St. John's Episcopal Church


St. John's has a wonderfully active choral program steeped in the Anglican School of Church Music.  The music sung is representative of the Anglican Choral Tradition and taken from many periods and languages. The choir sings at every 9:30am service from September to June as well as special holiday services.

St. John's Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:20 am, and again from 10:30-11:30 am following the service during the choral year. All are welcome!  We are looking forward to welcoming new voices and faces into our program. Please contact the church office if you have any questions. Thank you for your continuted support of music at St. John's Episcopal Church.


St. John's Episcopal Church

5649 Mount Gilead Road
Centreville, Virginia 20120-1906
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